Osteoarthritis is a disease characterized by gradual loss of cartilage. Patients will develop pain stiffness and limitation in joint movement. Other form of arthritis is inflammatory arthritis with rheumatoid and gout being the most common in Lebanon.
- Causes: Age, obesity, female gender, hereditary, trauma.
- Treatment:
The goal of treatment is to alleviate pain restore motion and maintain good quality of life.
- Nonsurgical treatment:
- Education, rest, physical therapy, use of assist devices, change in life style
- Use of paracetamol for pain control, sometimes NSAIDS are used for short period of time
- Use of dietary supplement like glucosamine and curcumin
- Intraarticulare injection is used being steroid or hyaluronic acid
Surgical treatment:
Surgery is reserved in case of severe osteoarthritis that does not respond to conservative treatment. However it should be performed before reaching severe deformities and muscle wasting.
Types of Surgery:
- Arthroscopy: It is controversial. It does not cure arthritis. It help in washing out and debride the diseased joint .patient will benefit at most 50% pain reduction.
- Realignement: Where we do osteotomy to transfer the load to other part of joint. it is recommended in case of early arthritis in young patient
- Replacement: It is best outcome procedure for end stage arthritis of the hip and knee patient will decrease they need up to one year until they get the maxim tient information